An Essential Vape Oil

parent persona

Vibes vape products is a concept that I came up with to smoke healthy blends. They are infused with essential oil blends to help consumers obtain a peaceful state of mind. Our mission is for consumers to feel positive and make healthier choices as well as using our products as an alternative to nicotine or other smoking materials. The benefits to using Vibes products is that they are infused with essential oil blends to enlighten, rejoice, meditate, and maintain a healthier lifestyle. Vibes helps make the unhealthy choice healthier. Vape oil can help relieve anxiety, sleep disorders, increase concentration, and control stress.

Final Logo Approach

vibes final logot

logo Itterations

vibes logos


vibes type

Color Pallet

vibes colors

Secondary Graphics

vibes elements

Stationary System

vibes stationary

Product Containers

vibes products

Product Packaging

vibes packaging

Informational Brouchure

vibes info sheet

Billboard Advertising

vibes billboard

Company Website

vibes website
